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The Welcome Center

Our Parking Lot greeters will help you find a place to park and get you to our building.  Just inside our Main doors you’ll find the Welcome Center where you’ll be greeted with a warm smile from one of our greeters. They are there to assist you to find the Worship Center, a Connection Group location, or answer your questions.


What to wear

Wear what you feel comfortable wearing. You will find people wearing suits, khakis, blue jeans and shorts. We encourage you to come just as you are.


Checking in Your Children

We have both Bible Study and age-appropriate worship experiences for all children.  Preschool and nursery-age children can be checked into JourneyLand hallway, our secure and inviting preschool area located directly across the hall from our worship center. Children grades 1-6 go to Harbor Kids hallway, just beyond the stairs, and can be checked into at the Harbor Kids welcome desk. Youth (7-12 grade) meet upstairs in The Peak.


Connection Groups

A variety of Sunday morning Bible Study classes (Connection Groups) are offered to adults of all ages. Connection Groups are the best place to feel connected and a part of our church body. The attendants located at our Welcome Center can inform you of the varied options that exist for Adult Connection Groups. Groups meet at 8:30, 9:45 and 11am, as well as at other times both on and off campus throughout the week.  Visit the Welcome Center for additional details.


A Fresh Cup of Coffee

At the First Cup Café, you will find a fresh, invigorating cup of coffee accompanied by a warm handshake and great conversation. Or maybe a cappuccino or a smoothie is more your style. You'll find a full selection of refreshing and delicious drinks at the First Cup Cafe.


Our Services

  • 9:45 | Celebration Worship & Connection Groups

  • 11:00 | First Journey Worship & Connection Groups

We offer two identical worship services; both are intended to lead those participants in a worship experience that is both meaningful and Christ-focused.

What else is there on Sunday Morning?

Early Bird Connection Groups meet at 8:30am. Preschool and Children’s Connection Groups (Bible Study) meet at 9:45am and at 11:00am. During these times, kids will have Worship, Small Group or Large Group lessons, crafts and games.


Are you a new mom?

If you are a nursing mom, we have a room designed specifically with you in mind with a comfortable glider and a changing table with necessary supplies to meet your needs. This room is directly across from our elevator. Let us know at the welcome center if you need anything else!